Federico Vidal 

Federico majored in Audiovisual Media at Escuela Técnica ORT, certified by the INA in Paris.
He later became a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, in the “Image and Sound Design” career. Since he loves working with actors, he decided to become one as well, to better understand them and engage them from a more familiar spot; He studied theater under the Stanislavski method for three years.
Today, with more than 250 commercials under his belt, he shot for important brands like Mercedes-Benz, Chevrolet, Ford, Unilever, Movistar, Samsung, KFC, Burger King, Sura in different countries, and several awards (EFFIE, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, Cannes lions, FePI), he feels privileged to live doing what he loves.
He’s a tireless worker, a perfectionist, a stylist to the point of obsession and above all, a keen reality and human emotions observer.


Amigos de Futbol
